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My Companion

I decided I would post these, which I just found, if for no other reason than to know exactly where I can find them in the future if I need. 

My Companion

On the day you were born, you were given a heart
Your brown-haired, black-eyed teddy bear. 
When you stood, it swept the floor behind your feet
There was no playmate it could not meet
Your brown-haired, black-eyed teddy bear. 
You took it to sleep overs, rolled in your bag
On long trips in the car, it pillowed your head
Whether summer or winter, you were tucked into bed 
With your brown-haired, black-eyed teddy bear
It suffered through dress up and falls to the floor
But the older you got, the more tears it absorbed
It witnessed the beginning, forever, and no more 
But still of that heart you could always be sure
Your brown-haired, black-eyed teddy bear
Perhaps, when you're old, and wrinkled, and wise
You will look to the love in your little bear's eyes
Show it the depth of your grandchild's sighs
Hold it tight to your bosom and say your goodbyes
And surrender the bond that never will die
With your brown-haired, black-eyed teddy bear.

Seeds and Stones

Said the leaf to the branch
“How important am I.
Without me, most likely,
the poor tree would die.”

The branch scoffed at the leaf,
And turned to the bark—
“You heard that my friend?
What a lie, what a lark
For without you and I,
A leaf would be useless.
That is to say,
an unequivocal nuisance.”

The roots called from below
“Cease your bickering and bragging,
for without my influence,
All three would be sagging!”
And so finishing his statement,
he settled once more;
In the dry leaves and dirt
on the canopy floor.

It lasted for ages,
the tree’s bitter quarrel;
But was once interrupted
by a wise little squirrel.
“Do you not see that you work as a team?
Minus the leaf you would not be as green;
If not for the branch, you’d be narrow and tall;
And without the roots, you couldn’t stand at all.

The tree realized the truth
In the small rodent’s blessing,
And endeavored to be
a bit more self-accepting.


  1. I feel like I've read both of these before, but they're still awesome. <3

  2. That's because you have. I wanted to centralize them because I can never find them.


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